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Player Report Cards (1)

by chaos 18 years ago

The following message (subject: Player Report Cards) was posted by chaos, on 6/13/2007 12:46:32 PM:
Hey, Silly request. My friends want me to create report cards for them, partly for fun, and partly so they can see how they're doing. Is there are web page that contains the attributes to "score" people on? We came up with some attributes. Some of them are similar and possibly redundant and we'd like to find a way to group areas into around 10 categories. Brainstormed list: Consistency Forehand Backhand Attack Defense Speed Touch/Feel Stamina Placement/Accuracy Unforced Errors Footwork Serve Spin Reactions Smash Reach Mental Toughness Luck Trash Talk Sweatiness/Smellines |