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removing glue build-up (2)

removing glue build-up
by Rick 20 years ago
Re: removing glue build-up
by Warren 20 years ago

The following message (subject: Re: removing glue build-up) was posted by Warren, on 9/26/2005 10:51:49 AM:
I read constantly on here that glue build up could be removed by using lighter fluid.
I made some horrible messes and ruined some quite newish sheets. Now I peel.

1) You need to peel the old glue off because new glue cannot get to work on the sponge and you need more and more layers to get an effect.
2) You need enough glue to get it to peel. Twenty-Thirty layers is about right. This can be achieved quicker than you may think.
3) Begin to get a little of the glue to peel back by scraping the very edge of the sponge in the same place with your middle finger nail. You will eventually see clean sponge underneath.
4) Work a little more ot the film up until you have an area about the size of an English penny.
5) Turn the sheet around and use your first finger and thumb to lift the film. Use your middle finger to tease the base of film where it meets the sponge. You need to be pulling the film back towards you rather than peeling it back. This way you will avoid leaving craters in the sponge and make a perfect job. Dont try and take it slowly, be confident and make rapid gains.
6) I find this method takes some practise but works brilliantly. It works on all glues and all sponges but Brice and Fair Chack are easy peasy.

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