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Chinese rubbers (2)

Chinese rubbers
by Robin 22 years ago
Re: Chinese rubbers
by Cole Ely 22 years ago

The following message (subject: Re: Chinese rubbers) was posted by Cole Ely, on 3/30/2003 10:42:35 PM:
I just tried the new 729 40s german sponge, and I'm guessing it's gotta be the best looping chinese rubber out there. (but then it's more european style than chinese.) That said, I prefer a jap sponge chinese over, say hurricane 3 or g888 in terms of looping. If I didnt glue, I may go for something harder like chinese sponge H3.

I'f you're truly defensive on the backhand, pf4 or pf4-1 is a good control/chopping rubber. 729 or 729-2 is in that class to.
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