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Developing match strategy (3)

Developing match strategy
by ryzz 20 years ago
Re: Developing match strategy
by ryzz 20 years ago
Re: Developing match strategy
by NickČ 20 years ago
Re: Developing match strategy
by rolly 20 years ago
Re: Developing match strategy
by ryzz 20 years ago
Re: Developing match strategy
by rolly 20 years ago
Re: Developing match strategy
by rolly 20 years ago

The following message (subject: Re: Developing match strategy) was posted by NickČ, on 12/15/2005 1:14:58 PM:
Well I often end up winning against players with more raw skill...

I don't really believe in a static "match strategy". It doesn't really work in any 1 on 1 mathcups in any sport. You have to adapt to your opponent.

Try to get a feel of where and how they are weak and exploit it. For instance last week I played someone with very fierce reaction time. I was pretty outclassed in this respect. However, they had a weaker underspin on their backhand. I used this to my advantage, and the weak returns gave me a good oppurtunity to score points.

Little tricks help too... Like some basics are to draw them in close (short underspin) then giving a hard return deep on the table. This isn't just a beginner "trick" either. It can be worked into more advanced strategy, where you force such a situation on an opponent through creative means.

There are countless other little things you can do... like react unexpectedly to any given shot (opponent must change his attack plan)... or you can force the player to move around a lot (hard to make an ideal return out of postion)... Or force topspin or underspin volleys if you are better at either one. Such tactics won't win you a match by themselves, but it will put you in a stronger position.
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