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Tibhar Evolution EL-P

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Evolution EL-P from TIBHAR is the most elastic rubber of the Evolution rubber series. EL-P with its medium sponge perfectly fits in between the harder MX-P and the softer FX-P. The selected pimple geometry of the elastic EL-P does not even come close to the other Evolution versions in terms of Spin and speed. Very precise and powerful strokes can be realised at half distance or at the table. Evolution EL-P: chosen by most of the Topspin players for whom the MX version is too hard and the FX version too soft, however putting the emphasis on rotation and power!

PRO-TENSION rubber surface is grippy and rich in spin, with perfect elasticity and stability.

RED POWER SPONGE is bright red, open porous, and spectacular. Adapts perfectly to the situation.

Speed: 96
Spin: 97
Control: 67
Hardness: 43.4

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Reviews of Tibhar Evolution EL-P (34)

The difference with the MX-P in speed is noticable (especially when blocking) but not too much. I found it easier to generate spin with. Not as powerful or spinny as the MX-P but still a great rubber on its own. You have to take good care of it and clean it often. In my experience with Tibhar Evo rubbers when it gets even slightly dusty it loses a lot of it's spin. This clearly affects the serves as well. It is not the best one out there but still worth a try. It might be better than MX-P for some players if you don't want a rubber as hard and fast as the MX-P. Or it can be a great bh opiton if you have a better fh rubber.
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One of the best rubber I ever tried. Wanderfull looping, blocking and short game. Beautiful sound on topspins. May be a little soft for some players on forehand. Perfect for me.
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Despus de casi 12 aos jugando y despus de haber probado tantas gomas en la derecha como por ejemplo: T05, T05FX, Bryce FX, Frienship, Stiga Calibra, Dicnics 05 y otras. He dado con esta goma ELP que a principio la use en el revs y no me gustaba. Decid probarla en derecha antes de cambiarla por otra, bueno debo decir que es la mejor goma que he usado. Me quedar mucho tiempo con ella. No tiene el arco exagerado de T05. Posee una velocidad muy buena tanto con golpe seco y plano como con espn. Tiene un Spin que bien trabajado pica en mesa y baja (muy difcil de contraatacar), los topspin y loop con esta goma son de la misma intensidad de una T05. En bloqueo es excelente, no tiene el efecto resorte de las butterfly, por lo tanto puedes matar la velocidad con bloqueos excelentes, esta goma en golpe plano es lo mejor, puedo golpear bolas con facilidad que vienen con efecto de picos sin que salgan de mesa. Los servicios quizs no sean con tanto efecto pero con una buena a tcnica le sacaras provecho. No posee un gran corte, restar con esta goma es la gran debilidad. Es una goma con un excelente control. Es mejor a media distancia. A larga distancia hay que hacer una buena tcnica para que llegue con fuerza y spin. A corta distancia no la recomiendo tanto por tener un arco bajo. Pero podrs sacar unos flick de derecha imparable. En contragolpe es muy rpida. Aunque no tenga tanta catapulta, los contraataques son muy rpidos topspin contra topspin debers hacerlos suaves porque sino saldr de mesa. En fin. A mi me encanta es adecuada a mi juego y a mejorado faltas en mi derecha. Trato de usar muchos golpes de driver y hago muchos puntos ya que viene muy rpidos y bajan al final de la mesa. Recomiendo a los jugadores medios no a principiantes por ser rpida y pesada ya que es algo gruesa. Y a los Pro. Pues puede resultar algo lenta. El sonido de esta goma cuando rozas la bola es puro caucho es un sonido hermoso nada que ver con las dems.
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I was used to the old SINUS. Which I really liked for the crisp sound and the sudden popping outs of the ball in short speedy strokes. I was looking for similar ones but came to the wrong one. Speed-wise this one is not coming near to SINUS. Should have checked the Sponge Hardness first and compared it with SINUS. Anyway as it has been glued on my Tibhar H-1-9 already I kept using it now for 2 weeks and my impression is that except for the speed this Rubber is pretty fine!!! It has a great amount of bites and the arc is beautiful in loopings. Much easier to control balls. I decided to keep this rubber for my exercises with my coach. It needs a perfect stroke to make balls speed up which improves my stroking forms. This rubber is not for me for games though. Just bought another racket Nittaku Holz Sieben and glued Aurus Prime which in specs looks more like SINUS. Will do some shots next week. Hope I made the right blade for the Games.
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9.6/10 for OFF style. FH: Donic Bluefire JP 01 Turbo, 2.1mm, 51g (0.25g/cm^2), 50 degrees (ESN), 38.5 degrees (Shore A). BH: Tibhar Evolution EL-P, 2.15mm, 50g (0.244g/cm^2), 43.5 degrees (ESN), 35 degrees (Shore A). Blade: TSP Balsa 8.5, 80g, 157mm x 150mm x 10.5mm (Width x Height x Thickness). Plies: 5 (3 Wood + 2 Composite): Ayous - GlassFibre - Balsa - GlassFibre - Ayous.
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