Butterfly Feint Soft
Well-Balanced Long Pimpled Rubber • Feint Soft is a standard long pips-out rubber that is outstanding for chopping against topspin drives. Class: Long Pips-Out Speed: 55
• The long pips send your opponent's spin back to him/her.
• Usually used in combination with a high spin inverted rubber to force errors from the opponent.
Surface: Pips-Out
Style: Long Pimpled Rubber
Spin: 35
Hardness: 25
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Reviews of Butterfly Feint Soft (6)
Rather than just blocking instead, use a Penholder Grip to move the wrist sideway producing a lateral Side Spin causing a Top Spin player to be on the defensive because he cannot "see" the eventual last moment directional change of the outgoing ball!
Rather than just blocking the incoming Top Spin ball, Slice under the ball to cause a Variable Speed trajectory (fighter pilots named these as "Lo Speed Yo-Yo" and "High Speed Yo-Yo") which gives the outgoing ball a disguised shallow "Helical Spin" in the straight line but when hit by the Top Spin player the ball goes into the center of the net 99 percent of the time!
With this innovative soft rubber sheet the entire Table Tennis tournament is changed from a Brute-Force brainless and boring rally into a mysterious and extroverted challenge.
Using the Feint Soft and the Chinese Penholder Grip am able to respond to a heavily served incoming Top Spin ball with a "Shovel" technique which is a combination of the 90 degree angle Chop and the 180 degree Slice which becomes a "Wobbily" outgoing ball with high spin and very sudden "Dead Ball Drop" just before the Top Spin player can respond!
This is possible because all top Spin players must have their rackets over the incoming ball and be positioned behind the ball before "hitting" the ball.
Penholder Grip players do not hit the ball, but "Stroke" the ball like Rembrandt (an artist) and he may have any stance or be standing on one leg for hours because the Penholder Grip player need not "throw his entire body mass into the one "hit". Thus only Penholder Grip players can play for hours and days non-stop (just 15 minute beverage and bathroom breaks every two hours of play) performance till they become tired. There is no shoulder pain, no back pain, and no carpal tunnel syndrome because the wrist is never rigid! By the way, most handicapped, and paraplegic players are Penholder Grip players because the lower torso of the human body is not necessary for performing three dimensional spins!
To perform the awesome "Corwscrew Spins", the players should use a Penholder Grip (to avoid elbow torqueing, finger numbness, and shoulder fatigue) with 60 degree elbow sweep while keeping the elbow corner close to the rib cage.
The incoming Top Spin ball is contacted by the downward sweep at the left side of the Penholder Grip handle, the ball is "stroked" circumnavigating the rubber sheet's entire perimeter and finally catapulted away from the right side of the Penholder Grip handle.
That is a lot of angular momentum- cooefficient of friction, spin, and torque
(like a General Dynamics F-16C going at better than Mach-2!)
The resultant trajectory has yaw pitch, row, and wobbily vibration equating to x, y, z axis and plenty of variable speed "hang time".
This is the only "Three Dimensional Spin" in the realm of Table Tennis produced by a human player.
The Feint Soft rubber sheet is great for exploring and perfecting new techniques because it encourages discipline in a player.
The Feint Soft rubber sheet is best deployed by the dyanmic Penholder Grip players that can create three dimensional spins and awesome "skidding" and "wobbily" spin ball serves!
But I can't fully control the light 25 deg sponge when returning serves. Slight wrist motions in the forward direction will cause the ball to scoot off my bat unlike OX 755.
Feels great in the rally but U may not get that far if U cant make the return.
For advanced players who like sponge or new choppers who want that cushy feel.
feint soft can only be purchased with 1.5 soft white sponge 25 defrees i think.
vs slow balls the ball gets buried into the pips and feels really slow. feels like it leaves even slower and drops short.
vs fast shots the ball springs off fast and is harder to control. at the table you will have to close block a topspin like if you were playing with inverted.
the advantage is that you can twiddle and the lp plays like an inverted because of the sponge so you can use regular strokes. other lps cant do this (well thicknesses < 1.5). I can hit-the- ball-off-the-wall-drill with this but with anyother lp its 1 hit
I'll give it a 6.0 only bec.I'm not into sponge LP but pros do use it.
Butterfly Rubber
Table Tennis Rubber
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