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Andro Rasanter C48

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Andro Rasanter C48: The world's first rubbers specially developed for counterspin!

It is the pivotal stroke in the current game of table tennis: the counterspin. It is the answer to the opening topspin, faster and more dangerous then a block – and often the direct point win or at least a massive advantage in the current rally.

To control the incoming topspin and maximize the contact time between the ball and the rubber, the rubber design of the new Rasanter C rubbers utilizes a newly integrated dampener. This counterspin dampener neutralizes the topspin and makes the controlled counterspin with its agressive trajectory and unrecognizable dynamics possible, which only the ENERGY CELL sponge could offer.

The intertwined play of the counterspin-design and the new rubber formula brings new possibilities to your table tennis playing style. Give your serves more quality, and your counterstrokes more variability and precision.

The Rasanter C48 is perfect if you're looking for high stroke quality when you serve and return, and pressure your opponent with topspins and counterspins.

The big, above-average optimal hitting zone of the 48° sponge gives Rasanter C48 a greater catapult effect and a softer touch, to give your play more security.

Speed: 96
Spin: 98
Control: 69
Hardness: Medium Hard

Andro has dedicated over three decades to the development of high-performance table tennis equipment. Exemplifying German engineering prowess, Andro rubbers are built for speed, spin and versatility. Through rigorous research and development, Andro consistently delivers products for those individuals who demand the most from their table tennis equipment. No one demonstrates this better than Simon Gauzy from the Andro pro team. His unrelenting style of play lets him push the boundaries of what's physically possible.

Andro has a long list of professional quality rubbers. The Andro Rasanter series is a mainstay in the table tennis world and the Hexer series is still popular with many players. Andro rubbers will keep you going strong in your next match!

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Reviews of Andro Rasanter C48 (9)

Fits very well for my reverse penhold backhand. Quite fast, but very nice control. Medium-high arc and it loops very nicely. Very good rubber to counter backspin. Used on my Xiom feel Zx2 with Dignics 09c on forehand.
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I play it on a Stiga Dynasty Xu Xin Carbon.
I used to play it FH. It was great, nice spin, nice control, but few of the attacks were deadly. So I moved it for BH, where it just shines.
First of all, this rubber is very good. My game BH is not based on winning attacks. I play basically placing the ball, variating spins and backspins, before rotating for a FH attack. Or waiting for the opponent to attack then counter him.
In both of those uses, this rubber shines. Placing the ball is so natural that you can only concentrate on the spin you want to trigger in the ball, then anticipate the next move. This is made for those who want to remain the leader in the play. Even on a carbon blade, this rubber keeps the ball long enough to allow you some time to rethink your move if you misunderstood the spin. For serves, it's also a masterpiece, allowing you to serve fast or not, with the same amount of spin, and a minimum of movement.
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Waste of money on C48 only mediocre good for counter.Very happy with R53 will use for both sides
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Played with Gauzy SL and Stiff 5 ply I made. Plays similar to Long 5 but faster. On BH and FH for both. This rubber tends to play better with lower dwell blades as it holds the ball quite well. Had on backhand and tended to be non linear with more flexible blades. Works well with stiffer and softer low throw blades, such as Nobilis, Vyzaryz Trinity, Amultart or any outer ZLC blade with low throw. Works well on stiffer blades in almost all aspects. Serves, receives, opens, blocks and counters feel phenomenal with mid/mid high throw on a Nobilis and countering is super easy and easy to add more power. Not sensitive to spin when blocking and receiving. Smashes and drop shots are both available and easy to apply when well handled. Mildy tacky for about 2 weeks and then loses tack and maintains grip for at least 6 months so far. Works well for both forehand/backhand. Intended for Euro forehand style or anyones backhand.
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i use it on Fan Zhendong ALC blade , in comparation with H3 blue sponge National this rubber is much more forgiving and you dont have to pot so much effort into your shots , the open ups against heavy backspin is a lot more easier with this rubber because it not so slow and tacky like the H3 , short game is very easy with this rubber but sometimes the ball it`s a bit too high over the net because of the high throw angle so your technique must be a little bit adjusted here , topspin and powertopspin is a dream with this rubber , it has so much dwell time that you can adjust your bat angle on the last moment before the ball is released and still play a quality shot , flat hits and backhand punch it`s very easy and consistent with this rubber i can even punch thru a ball loaded with heavy topspin because of its low sesitivity to incoming spin , countertopspins are the best and easiest to do with this rubber however , your techinique must be good otherwise the ball will fly somewhere else , in the service and service receive this rubber really shines , i can keep the serve really short and spin loaded and i can place the serve everywhere with a lot of precision due to the high control of this rubber . block is also very good but it has to be a bit active and over the ball with a little kick otherwise if u play passive block you bill give the opponent a slow ball and you gonna make it easy for the opponent to killshot you . it lacks a bit of speed but for me is better than any rubber out there for my playing style . i play it in Black Max on FH and 2.0 red on BH . i hope my review is helpfull . Have a nice day
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