GEWO Proton Neo 325
GEWO Proton Neo 325 is the softest version of the Proton Neo series, with high control and tremendous spin. GEWO Proton Neo 325 is designed for excellent control even in the most challenging situations. The arriving speed of the ball is perfectly absorbed by the soft sponge enabling perfect control when it comes to pushing, blocking or chopping. In attacking topspin situations, this rubber sheet produces unbelievable spin. Speed: 102
Control: 103
Spin: 108
Sponge hardness: Soft
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Reviews of GEWO Proton Neo 325 (7)
-Backhand: Proton Neo 325 black 2.0
-Forehand: Proton Neo 450 red 2.0
After about a month of play, I'm pretty happy with this rubber. I'm not a pure defense chopper but it's mostly what I do for my back hand. The softer sponge does a good job absorbing fast hits and giving you control of the pace. It slices and pushes well while generating good spin. The throw is pretty flat when you chop with it. I will say it's kind of hard to backhand flick/attack with it, and it's kind of too slow to forehand attack with. My goal was to build a relatively cheap and neutral setup that I could learn from and eventually tune more specifically, but still be competitive against club players.This rubber does lean more towards defensive play personally but does mostly what I had imagined it to be. If you're just starting off, give this one a shot before you spend the big money.
Got an OFF+ blade that needs toning down a notch? Neo 325’s slower speed will take the heat off both sides (a bit), but the increased control will bring smiles.
Got a heavy 93g blade with T05 on the forehand that makes your setup feel like an anvil? Try Neo 325 on the backhand; it’s light weight will take 8-10 grams off the setup, and more shots will land on the table, instead of beyond it — from both sides.
Caution: boosting not recommended for this rubber, as it starts to feel almost mushy. Neo 325 is best applied for specific reasons and situations — 5 star rating is for those times!
Pas trs rapide mais il donne confiance pour raliser tous les coups et en tester de nouveaux (j'ai dcouvert la confiance du side-spin du revers aprs 45 ans de Ping !) car ce revtement a un contrle extraordinaire : Mme en max: il permet de bloquer sur des " parpaings " d'adversaires ayant 6 classements au dessus !
Gnial donc en bloc et jeu passif, il est parfait pour le BH et assez polyvalent en coup droit pour le chop : la surface est certes peu collante, mais le temps de contact transfert une rotation arrire trs forte souvent fatale si le topspineur adverse est trop confiant.
Trs lger mme en Max (plus de tendinite !) est idal monter sur bois carbone lourd ou sur bois combi mme large, car le tout reste lger !
En 2.0 mm il permet un jeu complet la table ou mi distance, et sa combinaison avec un revtement mi-long ou un picot long est redoutable pour l'adversaire. car le backside du No 325, perturbe fort et garde le contrle en tournant sa raquette pour alterner avec un bon picot.
Le fabricant ne le dit pas " tensor " pourtant sa double vitesse issue de l'lasticit importante, acclre les attaques grande vitesse avec prcision et un son " colle rapide " sympa.
Ancien entraneur de club pendant 8 ans ayant essay +100 revtements, et cela faisait 20 ans que je n'avais pas eu de telles sensations comme si la balle plastique redevenait une balle de cellulod !
J'ai essay plusieurs des revtements classs " meilleur contrle " Revspin. il est bien au dessus du Razanter 37 ou du Hexter SFX Andro et de plus le No 325 s'use moins vite.
Bref, je l'ai mont en 3 paisseurs 1, 8 / 2,0 / Max. sur divers bois combi selon le type du joueur adverse, c'est super !
Ce revtement est parfait pour perfectionner des classs de 9 14 prenant confiance rentrer fond dans la balle sans " arroser " et essayer de refaire des coups de joueurs nationaux ou de champions.
I want to keep my paddle as lightweight as possible. And with 51g uncut this is also the lightest rubber (in this thickness) I've ever had. If you like good control with a lightweight paddle, the Proton Neo 325 might be ideal for you.
Blocks work very fine, and serving is quite easy. With proper technique it can create a lot of spin. It probably lacks some speed for those who want it really fast, but this is not my style anyway.
Gewo Rubber
Table Tennis Rubber
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