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 → Hallmark Rubber → Hallmark Tactics LP OX

Hallmark Tactics LP OX

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This is the OX version which does not have sponge.

Tactics LP is a long pips-out rubber specially designed for the ABS plastic ball. The long pips produce highly dangerous, hard-to-return balls.

The pips are as long as permitted by the ITTF rules and regulations, and they are also exceptionally wide. The wide pips assure an incredibly low ball bounce, as the ball will drop down very quickly once it clears the net.

In blocking situations, Tactics LP is easy to play and control and highly forgiving. Even the most extreme topspins can be returned easily. In addition, Tactics LP can produce unusual spin itself, which makes it even more dangerous.

Long pip enthusiasts worldwide will love the new Hallmark Tactics LP with its extremely annoying spin reversal and great defense options.

Speed: 50
Control: 94
Spin Reversal: 107

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Reviews of Hallmark Tactics LP OX (2)

control is good, enough under spin to make the opponent's ball return get caught in the net because of underspin of this rubber return ball.
It takes practice several times to adjust the backhand chop away from the table to be more accurate, once it enters, the opponent will have difficulty lifting the ball.
To chop on the table is not easy, it often bounces off the table, but once it enters, your opponent has difficulty lifting the ball.
This rubber seems durable.
I use the ox on my butterfly diode V.
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Tactics LP est probablement l'innovation matrielle la plus spectaculaire lance par Hallmark ces dernires annes.Tactics LP est un revtement picots longs pcialement conu pour la balle en plastique ABS, avec des effets gnants incroyables pour des balles trs dangereuses et difficiles renvoyer.Les picots sont aussi longs que le permettent les rgles et rglements de l'ITTF, et ils sont galement exceptionnellement larges.Cela garantit un rebond de balle incroyablement faible, la balle tombera trs rapidement une fois qu'elle sera au-dessus du filet.Dans les situations de bloc, Tactics LP est facile jouer et contrler et trs indulgent.Mme les topspins les plus extrmes peuvent tre retourns facilement.De plus, Tactics LP peut lui-mme produire des effets inhabituels, ce qui le rend encore plus dangereux.Les amateurs de matriaux du monde entier adoreront le nouveau Hallmark Tactics LP avec son inversion de rotation extrmement ennuyeuse et ses options de dfense extraordinaires.
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