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Nittaku Best Anti

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Nittaku Best Anti is anti-topspin rubber from Nittaku that could be just the one for you! Excellent for neutralizing your opponent’s spin, this is the dream anti for the combination player. Pair Best Anti on one side with a spinny rubber on the other side and you will have a fantastical tool for strategic play. Quality rubber 100% made in Japan.

Rubber Type: Anti Spin
Speed: 60
Spin: x
Control: 88
Hardness: Soft

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Reviews of Nittaku Best Anti (5)

Si vous n'avez jamais test d'antitop ! et que vous dsirez en tester un sans trop changer votre faon de jouer le BEST ANTI est fait pour vous ! il perturbe suffisamment le comportement de la balle pour vous mettre l'aise et placer vos attaques !!! ATTENTION attaquer avec ce revtement est dangereux !!! il faut frapper plat ! toujours pas sinon a plonge directement sur la table ou au mieux...dans le filet....Test en 1.8
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Caucho muy lento, las devoluciones necesitan mucho empuje, si te descuidas un poco la bola se queda en la red. Mejor Stiga Energy Absorber que permite incluso ataques.
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Puedes hacer lo que quieras con esta goma, ubicar la pelota en cualquier lugar de la mesa. Complica mucho al rival
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Pretty amazing anti-spin. Does everything an anti-spin rubber should, absolutely no complaints about this one.
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One of the best antispin ever. Best Anti is well known because of excellent properties and feeling :

- White spinge is soft and dampening
- Very slow. Controling the ball is so easy, even spinny loops or powerfull strokes.
- Topsheet is untacky and dead but you can generate some spin on your own if you are well trained.

Best Anti reallyr eally shine at :

- defensive game (chopping is more consistant than other antis and so easy to do!)

- returning serves. Believ me, it is always very hard to attcack a "BA return" : returning short is awesome, even when you return a long ball, it is a "no-bounce" one

- blocks : OMG. Chop-blocks, passive blocks... All are good.

Perfect for defensive palyers.
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