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Stiga Celero Wood JP

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The Japanese version of the Stiga Celero Wood blade with JTTAA mark and a thinner Master handle 102.3x24.75/34 mm. Made in Sweden.

The Stiga Celero is an offensive 5-ply blade with outstanding control. It is built for the player who requires excellent control in his attacking strokes. The surface has extra hardness and smooth finish thanks to the Diamond Touch Technology. It has thinner and harder middle veneers which give more control without losing power.

Class: OFF-
Speed: 86
Control: 70
Weight: 90g
Material: All Wood

Stiga Blade Handle Naming

Stiga refers to Flared handle blades as "Master", Straight Handle blades as "Classic" and Anatomic blades as "Winner".

Blade Buying Guide - what you need to know when buying a blade.

Compare Blades - blade rating comparison chart.

Blade Weight Variations  - Actual blade weight may vary by up to 8g.

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Reviews of Stiga Celero Wood JP (10)

Very nice looking blade that offers superb control but only moderate speed. If you are about control and placement above all else then this would be a great choice. Imho, not enough speed for offensive players looking to hit winners. I much prefer my Yasaka Goiabao 5 as an attacking weapon but that's because I'm an attacking player.
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I have tried many allwood blades because I always believe allwood blades have better feeling. This is my current blade now, with Rakza 7 and Mantra M. Looping, smashing, blocking, and flicking are very satisfying. Weight 90 grams and feels perfect for looping and smashing.
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The head size and shape is similar to viscaria. I could change rubbers between Celero and Viscaria.

5 ply wood. Limba - dark wood? - ayous. No one actually knows what wood is used in the second layer.

The feeling of this balde is crisp, similar to koto.

I's thin flexible blade. Flexible blade need attention when blocking fast topspins. Much easier to counter with short topspin or drive as opposed to just plain block. Due to flexibility, the incoming topspin ball has a tendency to shoot out off this blade high into the ceiling. Blocking medium topspin balls is good enough.

Very good control. You can add to the spin, you can overpower strong shots, you can slow them down. Slow loop, backspin, flick, topspin do anything you want. Flat hitting? I am not sure. You need something stiffer. People buy Acoustic for looping.

Above medium throw angle. Brushing will make a medium high arc and land on the table with nasty kick forward. This is the key element. The stronger you loop more chances to put ball on the table!!! This blade is made to be hit hard with the force! The harder you hit the more you feel like the center area of Celero blade "bends" and grabs the ball.

Solid OFF- Slower than Korbel, Primorac (5 ply), Ebenholz V. Do not buy Celero less than 87g. 87 - 90g is good. When hitting hard do not flat hit, instead - brush! If you want more speed then adjust your contact point. Basically, for high speed do what physics suggests - do not touching ball next to the handle or close to the center of the blade. Instead, aim for a touch point to be in the top third. Blade will flex and ball will fly fast.

1m - 1.5m away from the table is ideal. 2.5 - 3m is difficult.

Avoid soft rubbers. Other than that blade will probably take the most of rubbers very well. Being flexible will benefit from hard rubbers. Unboosted Chinese - possible but you know, you need to be strong. Boosted Hurricane 3,8,NEO and similar will do. STN - very good. "Lively" linear rubbers work well here.
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the stiga celero wood is a moderate offensive 5 ply blade. it's available with four different handles.
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feels slightly stiffer than an acoustics (which is a premium high end wood blade), its stiff enough for modern plastic ball, VERY good control, does not have much power, which is good if you want to work on your technique, pair it with flagship 47 degree rubbers like MXP
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