Tibhar Evolution FX-S
The FX-S is the "little brother" of the EL-S. Again, the enormous spin values ??of the MX-S and the power of the MX-P were combined with a newly designed interface. The sponge was soft construed as the EL-S so that the FX-S still elastic plays in combination a likewise individually tailored pips geometry and its model designation "Flexible spin" really deserves. Much softer than MX-P and S-MX, but slightly harder than the FX-P, the FX-S still borders significantly from the medium coverings EL-P and EL-S. Thus, he is a self-lining in the Evolution series.
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Reviews of Tibhar Evolution FX-S (13)
Nice feeling it . God control decent spin and speed.
Very prominent catapult .
A bit bouncy on a service receive .
Blocking is superb because of dwell .
Lifting backspin is pure joy.
Durable also, top sheet is meaty and can withstand a lot of training, sponge is good also.
Ali in all user friendly rubber.
I feel the rubber is very consistent and can produce a reasonable amount of spin but nothing special, I felt that my bh serves lacked zip and spin, blocking was good, pushing was good, bh topspin good, a very steady rubber.
For me the rubber felt too soft and slow, especially when compared to the MXS, I tried the FXS on my fh a few times and the difference between the 2 was speed off the face, which resulted in a 300mm shorter landing point on the opponents side of the table when playing fh loop. So the softer sponge helps grip the ball, adds dwell time, but the catapult effect of the sponge is reduced and therefore speed.
On the bh FXS seemed to lack penetration and lacks that crisp feeling Im looking for.
Overall FXS is a very consistent rubber, with good defensive capabilities, its a safe rubber. Playing topspin against backspin is good.
FXS May well be completely different on an offensive blade, with the blades properties making up for the apparent lack of speed.
I have now changed the FXS for MXP, so the set up is now MXS on my bh & MXP on my fh. First impressions are that the spin and speed has increased on my bh, with a more solid / crisp feeling, MXP review in a couple of months, but it felt very nice the first time out!!!!

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