The Dynaryz ACC has a softer sponge compared to the AGR.
At first look the ACC Dynaryz could be mistaken as a Tibhar rubber because of its purple sponge but only looks can be similar and they play very differently. I can press the topsheet and sponge to some degree and it feels like it is medium hard and also felt a bit softer than the Rhyzer 50.
The Dynaryz ACC is the more "tamed" version of the 2 Dynaryz rubbers. It has a certain gap in terms of speed and power when I compared to the AGR version. I used the 2 rubbers in the same blades. I used a 5 ply limba-limba blade and a composite blade with carbon-aramid layers. I could say the Dynaryz ACC is quite bouncy. The speed is really evident even with just a 5 ply blade being used with it. For comparison's sake, ACC has more or less the same speed level as the Rhyzer 48 but it feels softer on impacts. Other rubber comparisons for speed are, ACC > Tibhar FXS, ACC >Donic BF M2, ACC=Donic Bluestorm Z2.
The ACC Dynaryz has a medium to low arc. I was looping with it near and mid distance from the table and observe the rubber to be very spinny. The grippy yet matte topsheet produces very high amount of spin. If you like Tenergy 64 but does not like its price, the ACC version is a good alternative since this is a long trajectory rubber with huge amounts of spin. You can feel the ball kick against your blade if you are blocking against it. The spin of the ACC is almost in the level of Tenergy 64. It is very spinny and spinnier than a Bluestorm Z2 or even an MXP 47.5 degree version.
This is impressive because the ACC despite being a very fast rubber has good amount of control. Although it is as fast as the Rhyzer 48, the level of control is simply much better and it is more forgiving. To think, when you are using the Dynaryz ACC, it seems you are using control type rubber because it is accurate and very easy to handle. Other areas that is is really good to use is ability to smash really good. Also, it was quite surprising to be not too bouncy on short and delicate shots like drop shots and short pushes.
Overall, this is a rubber that is good in almost aspect and with a very balanced amount of speed, control and spin.
→ Offensive Rubber → JOOLA Dynaryz ACC Reviews
→ JOOLA Rubber → JOOLA Dynaryz ACC
21 Reviews for JOOLA Dynaryz ACC
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Hi All! I couldn't wait after reading your reviews to give this rubber a try. For me JOOLA was always a german brand, that has a more innovative side, also their rubbers most of the time missed the point. But when I heard, that there is this now DYNARIZ ACC, that feels softer, I had to try. Also there is already a german rubber, that feels softer, it is called DONIC Bluefire M1, one of my favourite rubbers. I tried the ACC and an M1 new sheets on a YinHe V14. They have the same characteristics if we speek of dynamics. The topsheet is clearly different, the ACC is a bit more rigid and feels a bit more direct. Compared to the M1 on lighter strokes, the rubber requires a good contact, otherwise the ball will fall down into the net. But if you have good contact, the throw angle is high enough (medium) to clear the net easily. So to put it short, this is a good M1 variation, that is suited better for the backhand. (T05 like topsheet and the M1 ESN sponge). Like a spin oriented M1. For me the biting effect and the fastness of the rebound is the most obvious differences. In the M1 topsheet the ball has some time to sink in, the ACC will quickly fire the ball (similar to a Xiom Omega or T05 rebound). On the other hand there is the ESN sponge with large and small bubbles, so on less powerful strokes the large bubbles will be compressed, so the sponge will get activated. This is why the sponge feels like it is ~44 degrees hard. There are a group of people, who don't like this behaviour, because the whole covering is not linear. Indeed it has an unique feeling and it also has a very good feedback feeling. You can feel the smallest deviation in your stroke. So the control of this rubber is very good, if I consider that it is hard, than I could say it is outstanding. UPDATE: my only prblem is boosting, after 3 months the throw angle will be terribly low and it must be thoroughly reboosted. Rubber surface is quite ok regarding abrasion.
Uso uma Dynaryz Acc roxa no backhand, dureza media, provavelmente a melhor borracha q ja usei no backhand, tem potencial para ficar mais rapida, com booster talvez melhore. Giro fantastico, controle incrivel, golpe direto, onde voc escolhe jogar, voce acerta. Velocidade boa, mais lenta que a MXP porem com muito mais giro e grip. Perfeita para Flick, saque bom, no espirra muito, bloqueio e shoto muito bons, cor incrivel, brilhante, muito bonita! A qualidade dos golpes so incriveis, dificultam a devoluo do adversario, e do uma profundidade muito boa aos golpes, a trao dinamica muito bem usada nessa borracha, quando no exigimos tanta potencia, ela gira muito bem, quando exigimos a borracha ela devolve uma energia suficiente para tirar o adversario da bola. Possivelmente a borracha q eu irei usar durante alguns anos, em conjunto com uma Viscaria ALC e uma Dynaryz ZGR para o forehand.
Best rubber i have ever used for smashing and counter punching off both b/hand and f/hand sides. Fantastic snap power in this regard and will destroy your opponent with the speed back at them. Control on pushes and return of serves is fair to average as you can easily pop a high ball back which is an easy kill for them also. This is absolutely one of the worst rubbers for trying opening up loops on both b/h and f/h and am extremely dissapointed in this regard, the rubber just seems too hard and bounces forward before it gets a chance to grip. B/h banana flicks are useless. As my b/h topspins are my main weapon just can't spin up that really nice slow spinny ball anymore and trying to open up with more speed and spin just makes it worse. You need an allround game to be good at table tennis because you are going to come up against a wide variety of styles so having a rubber that exceles in certain features but doesn't give you a consistent 3rd ball attack option with that softness needed to grip that ball and let it rip is useless as far as i am concerned. It's time for players to stop believing in all this technical jargon and wait much longer for more reviews before purchasing, not happy.
I have been playing with this rubber since it first came out several months ago and it's absolutely one of the best rubbers you can play with. It is fast, spinny, and has very good control. Players at my club that have bought it say they feel like they can't miss with it. You can hold the ball on the racket very well and do whatever you want to with it. Some players prefer the AGR on the FH as it's a faster, harder rubber, but I play with it on both sides on the Joola Freeze blade. My FH and BH loops are very good and I can loop very consistently with it. Excellent rubber, and at $65 it's $10 - $15 less than Tenergy! Good job Joola!
I was really looking for an option to the T05fx in my BH, for profitability and out of curiosity, since it is a pre-ball plastic rubber, and from my point of view the new options of BTY have focused on Speed, I really prefer control and spin I tried the Joola Rhyzer43 in its max version, it seems to me a very controlled rubber with good spin, but a somewhat low speed, I liked it a lot. When I heard about the new DYNARYZ models, I was curious, since it was said that they were not hard tires, with great spin and control and good controlled speed. I saw the differences between ACC and AGR, and by logic and foresight I chose the ACC which is less fast. And my surprise has been that I made a great choice, I have excellent spin, good control, and when I need speed, there it is, I feel happy, I feel that my level rose significantly. So much so that I have been using the DHS Goldarc8 47.5 on my FH for years and have tried the DYNARYZ several times, and I feel that it is very forgiving with my strokes, it has an impressive sense of security, the topspin are much easier and with more speed. at the level that have generated me the doubt if I should include this rubber on my right or maybe try the AGR, I don't know, I am very undecided because the GA8 is very reliable and durable.
Anyway, my impression, for my BH of the DYNARYZ ACC of 2mm it is a 9/10 control, spin 10/10 speed 9/10, with very good sound and feeling, I use it with a Blade DHS 301, which has 5 layers of wood and 2 layers of alc Koto, Ayous - arylate carbon Ayous - arylate carbon - Ayous - Koto. And I can really say that I put the ball exactly where I want, with the speed I want, when I train with my teammates, and block their punches, I can feel the control I have over them, plus that the effects are absorbed efficiently.
I really recommend this rubber, for those who want to increase speed in a controlled way, it is a rubber that requires some patience in the process of adaptability.
Anyway, my impression, for my BH of the DYNARYZ ACC of 2mm it is a 9/10 control, spin 10/10 speed 9/10, with very good sound and feeling, I use it with a Blade DHS 301, which has 5 layers of wood and 2 layers of alc Koto, Ayous - arylate carbon Ayous - arylate carbon - Ayous - Koto. And I can really say that I put the ball exactly where I want, with the speed I want, when I train with my teammates, and block their punches, I can feel the control I have over them, plus that the effects are absorbed efficiently.
I really recommend this rubber, for those who want to increase speed in a controlled way, it is a rubber that requires some patience in the process of adaptability.
I have tried many rubbers including most of Tenergy series, however this rubber is absolutely awesome and I am sure that it will nearly replace many top rubbers in the market. Before buying it I was doubtful about it since I ve tried variant Joola rubbers before where the didnt satisfy me regarding spin and speed characteristics. The speed and spin of this rubber are fantastic and really precise.. I advice it strongly for competitive players.. thank you Joola for this fantastic rubber.
Used on backhand for a few months after switching from MX-P. Pretty fast rubber but definitely not as fast as MX-P. The main difference I felt was how easy it is to block powerful shots with this rubber. It really doesn't have much spring if you play passive so definitely more gears than MX-P and a harder feeling. Very good backhand rubber overall, feels just a little weak on the forehand, in my opinion.
I really thought a lot before purchasing this rubber. And I think I did a good choice.
I come from too powerful Lin Gaoyuan ALC with T05 and T19. Then I changed my blade to the fantastic Harimoto Tomakazu Innerforce ALC. Still felt T05 a bit too hard and uncontrollable and T19 great for backhand. But in Per Butterfly rubbers are too expensive.
So I was looking for a rubber to replace T19. And Joola Dynarys ACC is perfect.
I'm impressed with flicks. I feel a lot of control. Also like that it's very speedy when you need it, spinny what you want it. I don't feel it too hard. I think 47 degrees is what you feel. I tried it Aldo on forehand and also liked it. Powerful and controllable.
It's a great rubber.I think this is going to be my backhand rubber for a long time.
Try it.
I come from too powerful Lin Gaoyuan ALC with T05 and T19. Then I changed my blade to the fantastic Harimoto Tomakazu Innerforce ALC. Still felt T05 a bit too hard and uncontrollable and T19 great for backhand. But in Per Butterfly rubbers are too expensive.
So I was looking for a rubber to replace T19. And Joola Dynarys ACC is perfect.
I'm impressed with flicks. I feel a lot of control. Also like that it's very speedy when you need it, spinny what you want it. I don't feel it too hard. I think 47 degrees is what you feel. I tried it Aldo on forehand and also liked it. Powerful and controllable.
It's a great rubber.I think this is going to be my backhand rubber for a long time.
Try it.
I have been using it on my forehead with Joola Fever wood ... Quite powerful rubber ... Really good for topspins away from table ... Spin is good but opening up from cut balls are little hard to control ... Good for counter attacking and blocking .. Overall a good rubber but a hard beast to tame for my style of topspin game
I don't know how this is rated a 9.1 in speed. This rubber is by far the fastest rubber I have ever had and I have had many fast and spinny tensors. It is an absolute rocket and will go long easily on shots if you aren't careful/hold back and pay attention to your bat angle. Every shot is decent apart from the fear of keeping it on the table. The throw angle is medium so I don't have too much problem clearing the net on touch games and loops apart from my bad technique. The spin is pretty decent but it seems much more focused on speed.
It is the best rubber I have used in my FH, it is fast but has excellent control for the counter attack.
Update: I put this rubber on a defensive blade (Donic Defplay senso) and like it a lot. This rubber feels perfect for playing modern defense. The super bouncy sponge (too bouncy on stiff/hard blades for me) accelerates the ball hard with medium and above impact. When you get the topsheet to compress into the sponge it produces the most insane topspins. It was hard to get that much spin into the ball with this rubber on faster blades because the speed was to much to be precise, or at least for my level. This rubber wants you to play full power and rewards you with massive spin as a little bonus. In the short game you have to be a little careful because the topsheet is not tacky and the bouncy sponge only kicks in at certain impact so slow shots may be too slow and fast shots may be too fast. Durability average, it plays amazing while it lasts but it feels very "dead" all of a sudden. Usually lasts a few months
good= fast, blocking, powerloop, spinny when hit hard, spin insensitive
bad= short game & touch play, opening topspin, control
good= fast, blocking, powerloop, spinny when hit hard, spin insensitive
bad= short game & touch play, opening topspin, control
Considero this rubber to be at the same levem as Tibhar MXP, despiste having a lower speed, but bigger control. Speed is what u put on it. Very spinny. Is a great quality rubber, considered to be allround (FH and BH). Works great in Joola Vynaryz Freeze.
Low throw blocking rubber or under ball spinner. Need to be a hitting looper over a brusher. Played on a stiff blade and was to direct with no real arc and even on slower flexier still had a no real arc and I have been told I can do high spinny arcs and it just wasnt happening. Made for pushing, blocking and setting up for high balls but no room for opening and starting a ball effectively.
This is my current backhand rubber and it suit my style perfectly. Opening ups are effortless with deadly spin after the bounce. During rallies is kinda stable depending your style and strokes.
You may be able to use flat hitting, looping, blocking and counter hitting but you have to pay attention with your angle. Speed like Tenergy 64 but the spin is way spinnier than 64.
You may be able to use flat hitting, looping, blocking and counter hitting but you have to pay attention with your angle. Speed like Tenergy 64 but the spin is way spinnier than 64.
Weight: 69 grams uncut
Speed: OFF+
Spin: Very High
The Dynaryz ACC has a softer sponge compared to the AGR. At first look the ACC Dynaryz
could be mistaken as a Tibhar rubber because of its purple sponge but only looks can be similar and they play very differently. I have no exact info on what is the sponge hardness of the Dynaryz
ACC but it seems to be 47-48 degrees and the topsheet is at medium soft. I can press the topsheet and sponge to some degree and it feels like it is medium hard and also felt a bit softer than the Rhyzer 50. I am just doing references on the hardness since I need to ask Joola about this first.
The Dynaryz ACC is the more "tamed" version of the 2 Dynaryz rubbers. It has a certain gap in terms of speed and power when I compared to the AGR version. I used the 2 rubbers in the same blades. I used a 5 ply limba-limba blade and a composite blade with carbon-aramid layers. I could say the Dynaryz ACC is quite bouncy. The speed is really evident even with just a 5 ply blade being used with it. For comparison's sake, ACC has more or less the same speed level as the Rhyzer 48 but it feels softer on impacts. Other rubber comparisons for speed are, ACC > Tibhar FXS, ACC >Donic BF M2, ACC=Donic Bluestorm Z2.
The ACC Dynaryz has a medium to low arc. I was looping with it near and mid distance from the table and observe the rubber to be very spinny. The grippy yet matte topsheet produces very high amount of spin. If you like Tenergy 64 but does not like its price, the ACC version is a good alternative since this is a long trajectory rubber with huge amounts of spin. You can feel the ball kick against your blade if you are blocking against it. The spin of the ACC is almost in the level of Tenergy 64. It is very spinny and spinnier than a Bluestorm Z2 or even an MXP 47.5 degree version.
This is impressive because the ACC despite being a very fast rubber has good amount of control. Although it is as fast as the Rhyzer 48, the level of control is simply much better and it is more forgiving. To think, when you are using the Dynaryz ACC, it seems you are using control type rubber because it is accurate and very easy to handle. Other areas that is is really good to use is ability to smash really good. Also, it was quite surprising to be not too bouncy on short and delicate shots like drop shots and short pushes.
Overall, this is a rubber that is good in almost aspect and with a very balanced amount of speed, control and spin.
Speed: OFF+
Spin: Very High
The Dynaryz ACC has a softer sponge compared to the AGR. At first look the ACC Dynaryz
could be mistaken as a Tibhar rubber because of its purple sponge but only looks can be similar and they play very differently. I have no exact info on what is the sponge hardness of the Dynaryz
ACC but it seems to be 47-48 degrees and the topsheet is at medium soft. I can press the topsheet and sponge to some degree and it feels like it is medium hard and also felt a bit softer than the Rhyzer 50. I am just doing references on the hardness since I need to ask Joola about this first.
The Dynaryz ACC is the more "tamed" version of the 2 Dynaryz rubbers. It has a certain gap in terms of speed and power when I compared to the AGR version. I used the 2 rubbers in the same blades. I used a 5 ply limba-limba blade and a composite blade with carbon-aramid layers. I could say the Dynaryz ACC is quite bouncy. The speed is really evident even with just a 5 ply blade being used with it. For comparison's sake, ACC has more or less the same speed level as the Rhyzer 48 but it feels softer on impacts. Other rubber comparisons for speed are, ACC > Tibhar FXS, ACC >Donic BF M2, ACC=Donic Bluestorm Z2.
The ACC Dynaryz has a medium to low arc. I was looping with it near and mid distance from the table and observe the rubber to be very spinny. The grippy yet matte topsheet produces very high amount of spin. If you like Tenergy 64 but does not like its price, the ACC version is a good alternative since this is a long trajectory rubber with huge amounts of spin. You can feel the ball kick against your blade if you are blocking against it. The spin of the ACC is almost in the level of Tenergy 64. It is very spinny and spinnier than a Bluestorm Z2 or even an MXP 47.5 degree version.
This is impressive because the ACC despite being a very fast rubber has good amount of control. Although it is as fast as the Rhyzer 48, the level of control is simply much better and it is more forgiving. To think, when you are using the Dynaryz ACC, it seems you are using control type rubber because it is accurate and very easy to handle. Other areas that is is really good to use is ability to smash really good. Also, it was quite surprising to be not too bouncy on short and delicate shots like drop shots and short pushes.
Overall, this is a rubber that is good in almost aspect and with a very balanced amount of speed, control and spin.
I have been playing with Tibhar MX-P max rubbers for five years and I decided to make a change. After studying several models in theory, I decided to focus on JOOLA DYNARYZ ACC max. So to speak, I took a risk and I can say that the risk wasn't so justified. The rubbers are good for my game, but not so fast. Rubbers are with a great feeling, which was not present in Tibhar MX-P max, also the spin they create is very large.
The rubbers are good if yours style is more conrol and a little bit slow.
The rubbers are good if yours style is more conrol and a little bit slow.
I have the 2.0 mm for BH on a Viscaria blade. It is a good match, covering a wide spectrum, for an offensive player oriented towards speed and penetration. I haven't noticed problems with flip, push and so on. It is fast, spiny and sharp; very good over the table with plenty reserves far away. Most rewarding on fast wrist acceleration and capable of penetrating strongholds with good technique.
1. needs some time to break through;
2. suffers from condensation on the glossy surface until it fades away (to a more mat type surface);
3. it shrinks a lot;
4. it is like a sports car that shines when you run it fast, so there is some gap in lower gears.
1. needs some time to break through;
2. suffers from condensation on the glossy surface until it fades away (to a more mat type surface);
3. it shrinks a lot;
4. it is like a sports car that shines when you run it fast, so there is some gap in lower gears.
Very easy to control excellent spin- easy to loop backspin. Been using for 2 weeks and very satisfied. Blocks are good. Short game is good. Try it its a very good rubber. On fh of Lin Gaoyuan and 09c on bh
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