Very fast, very light, amazing control, great quality.
You can play and enjoy the felling with all your shots.
→ Offensive Blades → GEWO Balsa Carbon 775 Reviews
→ Gewo Blades → GEWO Balsa Carbon 775
4 Reviews for GEWO Balsa Carbon 775
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Fits suberbly with Donic Bluegrip C2 (and also DHS skyline NEO 2 compensating somewhat for speed and mass limitations.) Concave handle version heavier (and slightly) faster than straight handle. Very competitive blade in balsa segment. Pimple effect is different from normal wood carbon blades. This may surprise some opponents.
I have never experienced such a fast blade before, it feels revolutionary, especially with the new ball. Now I can really catch up in the counterattack game due to the small movements needed and the relatively low weight of the blade.
The advantage is also that it is excellent to hit hard on back spin, without using a loop, with the blade little open or neutral at the start of the shot, it feels almost easier than doing looping first to open up the opponent.
The top spin is not so strong maybe due to my 60+ age, with slow looping, but it is excellent to pull speed looping.
The blade is slightly sensitive to incoming spin and a certain amount of care must be taken, but it is excellent for guiding the ball out into the corners with, for example, a side spin.
On short balls, it is very easy to flip with FH and BH on the back spin serve.
The rubbers I use now are Tibhar Evolution MX-P, but try to further optimize for better control, but do not want to sacrifice speed.
The advantage is also that it is excellent to hit hard on back spin, without using a loop, with the blade little open or neutral at the start of the shot, it feels almost easier than doing looping first to open up the opponent.
The top spin is not so strong maybe due to my 60+ age, with slow looping, but it is excellent to pull speed looping.
The blade is slightly sensitive to incoming spin and a certain amount of care must be taken, but it is excellent for guiding the ball out into the corners with, for example, a side spin.
On short balls, it is very easy to flip with FH and BH on the back spin serve.
The rubbers I use now are Tibhar Evolution MX-P, but try to further optimize for better control, but do not want to sacrifice speed.
bonjour, possedant un carbon andro light off+, 70gr depuis 6 ans, j'ai essay ce gewo carbon 775, il est plus rapide et controle trs correct, ds le petit jeux, trs facile, en top spin super rapide et tout a fait controlable, il suffit d'ouvir la raquette et sur balle coupe, plus facile que le andro, il pese 75gr, pour frapper c'est bien plus facile aussi, ds les bloc aprs 4 semaines d'entrainement, c'est instinctif et controlable aussi, une bonne surprise et une rel satisfaction. en retour de service, il est beaucoup moins influenc et permet moins d'erreur, gnial.
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