These are the preferred ball at my club, and I never understood why until I used these and then tried other cheaper brands. These have the most consistent play (along with the new Nexcel balls) and are worth the premium price if you are playing in a serious league. The only downside is how powdery they are.
→ 3-star 40mm Celluloid Balls → Nittaku 3-Star Premium Celluloid Balls - Pack of 3 Reviews
→ Nittaku Balls → Nittaku 3-Star Premium Celluloid Balls - Pack of 3
3 Reviews for Nittaku 3-Star Premium Celluloid Balls - Pack of 3
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This is the only ball to play with, does everything constantly well whatever rubbers you use! When most people regularly spend £70 (about 150 dollars ) on a couple of rubbers , why moan about pennies on the price of the ball, its just as important to get consistancy from the thing your hitting as well as the frame set up. Rant over!
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