→ Pips-Out Rubber → Victas Spectol S3 Reviews
→ Victas Rubber → Victas Spectol S3
1 Review for Victas Spectol S3
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Between S2 and S3, I like S3 better. It has more spin capabilities and feels more stable on blocks and counters. But compared to other vertically aligned short pips, it still lacks control (e.g., Sonic AR and Moristo SP). VICTAS markets it as the "change" version of the Spectol series. In Japan, "change" refers to a style of play that relies on blocking with varying pace, knuckle balls, and spin variations, usually close to the table and usually paired with another rubber (maybe LP, maybe inverted). Some other short pips in this category are DO Knuckle and Pimple Slide. I guess it's interesting to try and make a high-tension "change" rubber, but it seems like a bit of an oxymoron.
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