Stiga table tennis manufacturing began in 1944 and they turned out blades for Swedish champions like Stellan Bengtsson, Kjell Johansson, Hans Alser and Ulf Carlsson. Numerous championships were won in the 60’s, 70’s and the 80’s that finally moved the Chinese players out of the spotlight. Today, Stiga works closely with the Chinese National Team to produce equipment for the likes of Xu Xin and Fan Zhendong. Stiga has truly become a worldwide supplier of table tennis products.
From blades, rubbers, tables and balls, Stiga is a full spectrum purveyor of table tennis equipment. With memorable names like Clipper, Allround, Offensive Classic, Carbonado and VPS, Stiga is always striving to produce the best equipment using the latest manufacturing techniques to make their brand stand out from the crowd. And don’t forget about their rubber sheets like Calibra, Airoc and Mantra and Magna.