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 → Butterfly Rubber → Butterfly Glayzer 09C
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Butterfly Glayzer 09C

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Butterfly Glayzer vs Glayzer 09C

High-Performance Rubber Combining Friction And Bounce

Grey Spring Sponge X is applied to Glayzer 09C. Strokes with a stable trajectory are made possible, while combining powerful heavy spin with ease of over-the-table techniques at a high level. It is thanks to the combination of a friction top sheet that provides the High Tension effect and Spring Sponge X with a hardness at 42 degrees. The rubber provides players of wider ranging standards the pleasure of executing top spin strokes with heavy spin, unique to a friction High Tension rubber, as well as decisive counter-attacking play on the table.

Speed: 75
Spin: 87
Arc: 95
Hardness: 42

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Reviews of Butterfly Glayzer 09C (19)

Glued two sheets max on Fan Zhendong ALC. Minimum catapult. I can use tacky top sheet alone to pull a thin topspin loop or engage the sponge to shoot out a fast and spinny ball. Blocking and pushing is effortless. My backhand punch is even faster. Smashing is fun. I can topspin a chop return easier than before. I don't worry about control anymore
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I use it in 1.9 black, my first one was Red and the 09c really don't belong in this rubber, it is by no means sticky, but grippy, slow but bouncy, so you might want to train with it for sometime to know how it react for your game, and the sponge in it is NOT durable if you like to be switching rubbers often.
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Glayzer 09c 2.1 on FH Glayzer 2.1 BH. Honestly Comparing it to other rubbers I have used like the Rozena 2.1 Mark V. this is probably my favorite rubber. You get whatever you put into it, it is noticeably slower than the glayzer and rozena but it makes up for it in feel and spin. would definitely recommend 100%. although if you are that speed junky who wants the ball flying 100mph off a flick of the wrist, then this rubber might not be for you.
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Played with a bunch of different rubbers and this one really stood out. It's a harder rubber and has a completely different feel from Dignics versions I tried alongside. I welcome a less jumpy rubber.

The spin and control were fantastic. Both serve and receive were good also. It's not the fast but it's not to slow either. I struggle to find a real negative, even the price is doable. I've decided to play it on my forehand for a while and see where it goes. If my feelings change I'll edit this post accordingly.
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Started playing with a semi-pro racket about a year ago after using recreational rackets till then. My first ever racket had Glayzer 09c in the FH and Tackiness Drive in the BH (wasn't the best combo for me). However, i fell in love with this rubber and switched to using it on both sides. Great rubber for early players learning how to control and spin the ball, with enough speed to get you used to a quicker paced game. Very consistent in play and will allow just about anyone to get used to using it. :))
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