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Shanghai to host 2005 World Championships

Paris 2003, Qatar 2004 on schedule

ITTF Press Release

The Annual General Meeting of the International Table Tennis Federation held on Friday in Zagreb, Croatia, appointed Shanghai, China, as the host of the individual World Championships 2005.

Shanghai and Lausanne, Switzerland, were bidding for the event together with Stockholm, Sweden. However the Swedes already last week withdraw their bid. They are going for 2007 instead.

Shanghai and Lausanne both were present at the AGM with a large delegation of politicians and head staff from the city administrations who presented their facilities and organisation plans for the event.

Shanghai won with 78 votes against 31.

Now the next 3 World Championships are on schedule. The individual event in Paris 2003, the team event in Qatar 2004 and again the individual event in Shanghai in 2005.

Read what others have to say:

dae of Intl Table Tennis to be held in Shanghai
by ev tom on 10/5/2004 7:33:00 AM

Would you be ablen to provide date, where held and how may one may obtain tickets to see the event. Thank you.

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