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HomeBlades → Butterfly Arylate-Carbon Blades (ALC)

Butterfly Arylate-Carbon Blades (ALC)

Arylate-Carbon is a special material created with a woven combination of Arylate and carbon. Blades using Arylate-Carbon have power, speed and control.

Butterfly Viscaria
$166.49  $184.99
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Butterfly Timo Boll ALC
$166.49  $184.99
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Butterfly Fan Zhendong ALC
$166.49  $184.99
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Butterfly Harimoto Innerforce ALC
$166.49  $184.99
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Butterfly Zhang Jike ALC
$166.49  $184.99
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Butterfly Timo Boll Spirit
$121.49  $134.99
Butterfly Innerforce Layer ALC
$148.49  $164.99
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Butterfly Ovtcharov Innerforce ALC
$166.49  $184.99
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Butterfly Timo Boll 30th Anniversary Edition
$494.99  $549.99
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Butterfly Freitas ALC
$166.49  $184.99
Butterfly Viscaria - Chinese Penhold
$166.49  $184.99
Butterfly Fan Zhendong ALC - Chinese Penhold
$166.49  $184.99
Butterfly Innerforce Layer ALC.S - Chinese Penhold
$148.49  $164.99
Butterfly Innerforce Layer ALC.S
$148.49  $164.99
Butterfly Harimoto Innerforce ALC - Chinese Penhold
$184.49  $204.99
Butterfly Garaydia Revolver-R
$135.89  $150.99
Butterfly Outerforce ALC - Chinese Penhold
$148.49  $164.99
Butterfly Outerforce ALC
Out of Stock
$148.49  $164.99